Vegan Blog

Where to Find Nutritional Yeast in a Grocery Store & Online in 2022?
Aug 02, 2020
Deactivated vegetable yeast  — doesn't sound very appealing, does it? Despite its less than captivating...
15 Best Vegan Iodine Sources (And a 2022 Deficiency Warning)
Jul 26, 2020
Before the 1920s, iodine deficiency was incredibly prevalent in North America. Due to the crucial...
Vegan Supplements: What Vitamins Do I ACTUALLY Need (2022 Science)
Jul 18, 2020
We don't need to tell you that a vegan diet is overwhelmingly good for your...
Is Beer Vegan & How to Find the Best Ones in 2022?
Jul 11, 2020
It’s obvious that the vegan movement is continually growing, in part thanks to the awareness...
Vegan Blood Test Tips: The Science Backed 6 For 2022
Jul 08, 2020
Blood work: a term that might make some of us shudder in fear and wince...
Is a Plant Based Vegan Diabetes Diet Able to Prevent & Reverse It?
Jul 04, 2020
4.2 million – that's the number of diabetes-related deaths recorded in 2019 alone. More and...
What Is a Vegan and What Is Veganism Really Like in 2022?
Jul 03, 2020
When A-list actress and health guru Gwyneth Paltrow announced she invented veganism, the world was...
What Is Vegan Cheese, What Is It Made of and How to Make It?
Jul 03, 2020
If you had asked a vegan what their opinion on vegan cheese was five to ten years...
How To Make Aquafaba (+ Canned vs Non Canned Experiment)
Jul 03, 2020
By now you've heard of the seemingly mysterious, miraculous ingredient that is aquafaba. But we...
Deva Vegan Multivitamin Review - A 2022 Warning
Jul 01, 2020
“Where do you get your protein?” “Vegans can’t get enough *insert nutrient here*” “You’ll end...
#1 Best Vegan Multivitamin in 2022 (Backed by Drs & Science)?
Jun 09, 2020
Looking for the best vegan multivitamin? You might already think that a premium-quality vegan daily...
17 Environmental Benefits Of Veganism (As Proven By Science)
May 29, 2020
In 2018, the United Nations identified animal agriculture and meat production as the most urgent...